# configure l4 ip address to ignore health check logs collector.l4.ip= # base data receiver config --------------------------------------------------------------------- collector.receiver.base.ip= collector.receiver.base.port=19994 # number of tcp worker threads collector.receiver.base.worker.threadSize=8 # capacity of tcp worker queue collector.receiver.base.worker.queueSize=1024 # monitoring for tcp worker collector.receiver.base.worker.monitor=true # change OS level read/write socket buffer size (for linux) #sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max= #sudo sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max= # check current values using: #$ /sbin/sysctl -a | grep -e rmem -e wmem # number of agent event worker threads collector.agentEventWorker.threadSize=4 # capacity of agent event worker queue collector.agentEventWorker.queueSize=1024 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The cluster related options are used to establish connections between the agent, collector, and web in order to send/receive data between them in real time. # You may enable additional features using this option (Ex : RealTime Active Thread Chart). # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Usage : Set the following options for collector/web components that reside in the same cluster in order to enable this feature. # 1. cluster.enable (pinpoint-web-root.properties, pinpoint-flink.properties) - "true" to enable # 2. cluster.zookeeper.address (pinpoint-web-root.properties, pinpoint-flink.properties) - address of the ZooKeeper instance that will be used to manage the cluster # 3. cluster.web.tcp.port (pinpoint-web-root.properties) - any available port number (used to establish connection between web and collector) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Please be aware of the following: #1. If the network between web, collector, and the agents are not stable, it is advisable not to use this feature. #2. We recommend using the cluster.web.tcp.port option. However, in cases where the collector is unable to establish connection to the web, you may reverse this and make the web establish connection to the collector. # In this case, you must set cluster.connect.address (pinpoint-web-root.properties); and cluster.listen.ip, cluster.listen.port (pinpoint-flink.properties) accordingly. cluster.enable=false cluster.zookeeper.address=#PINPOINT_ZOOKEEPER_ADDRESS# cluster.zookeeper.sessiontimeout=30000 cluster.listen.ip= cluster.listen.port=-1 #collector.admin.password= #collector.admin.api.rest.active= #collector.admin.api.jmx.active= collector.spanEvent.sequence.limit=10000 # flink cluster flink.cluster.enable=true flink.cluster.zookeeper.address=#PINPOINT_ZOOKEEPER_ADDRESS# flink.cluster.zookeeper.sessiontimeout=3000 flink.cluster.zookeeper.retry.interval=5000 flink.cluster.tcp.port=19994 # flink env init flink.StreamExecutionEnvironment=server