2020-12-08 14:31:45 +00:00
2020-12-09 08:32:23 +00:00
Tests do not test the scheduled tasks that perform live requests to index media or
download content. They only check for compliance of web interface and check
the matching code logic is working as expected.
2020-12-08 14:31:45 +00:00
2020-11-23 06:32:02 +00:00
2020-12-08 14:31:45 +00:00
import logging
from urllib.parse import urlsplit
2020-12-09 08:32:23 +00:00
from django.conf import settings
2020-12-08 14:31:45 +00:00
from django.test import TestCase, Client
from django.utils import timezone
from background_task.models import Task
from .models import Source, Media
class FrontEndTestCase(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
# Disable general logging for test case
def test_dashboard(self):
c = Client()
response = c.get('/')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
def test_validate_source(self):
test_source_types = {
'youtube-channel': Source.SOURCE_TYPE_YOUTUBE_CHANNEL,
'youtube-playlist': Source.SOURCE_TYPE_YOUTUBE_PLAYLIST,
test_sources = {
'youtube-channel': {
'valid': (
'invalid_schema': (
'invalid_domain': (
'invalid_path': (
'invalid_is_playlist': (
'youtube-playlist': {
'valid': (
'invalid_schema': (
'invalid_domain': (
'invalid_path': (
'invalid_is_channel': (
c = Client()
for source_type in test_sources.keys():
response = c.get(f'/source-validate/{source_type}')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
response = c.get('/source-validate/invalid')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
for (source_type, tests) in test_sources.items():
for test, field in tests.items():
source_type_char = test_source_types.get(source_type)
data = {'source_url': field, 'source_type': source_type_char}
response = c.post(f'/source-validate/{source_type}', data)
if test == 'valid':
# Valid source tests should bounce to /source-add
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)
url_parts = urlsplit(response.url)
self.assertEqual(url_parts.path, '/source-add')
# Invalid source tests should reload the page with an error message
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
self.assertIn('<ul class="errorlist">', response.content.decode())
def test_add_source_prepopulation(self):
c = Client()
response = c.get('/source-add?key=testkey&name=testname&directory=testdir')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
html = response.content.decode()
checked_key, checked_name, checked_directory = False, False, False
for line in html.split('\n'):
if 'id="id_key"' in line:
self.assertIn('value="testkey', line)
checked_key = True
if 'id="id_name"' in line:
self.assertIn('value="testname', line)
checked_name = True
if 'id="id_directory"' in line:
self.assertIn('value="testdir', line)
checked_directory = True
def test_source(self):
# Sources overview page
c = Client()
response = c.get('/sources')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
# Add as source form
response = c.get('/source-add')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
# Create a new source
data = {
'source_type': 'c',
'key': 'testkey',
'name': 'testname',
'directory': 'testdirectory',
'index_schedule': 3600,
'delete_old_media': False,
'days_to_keep': 14,
'source_resolution': '1080p',
'source_vcodec': 'VP9',
'source_acodec': 'OPUS',
'prefer_60fps': False,
'prefer_hdr': False,
'fallback': 'f'
response = c.post('/source-add', data)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)
url_parts = urlsplit(response.url)
url_path = str(url_parts.path).strip()
if url_path.startswith('/'):
url_path = url_path[1:]
path_parts = url_path.split('/')
self.assertEqual(path_parts[0], 'source')
source_uuid = path_parts[1]
source = Source.objects.get(pk=source_uuid)
self.assertEqual(str(source.pk), source_uuid)
# Check a task was created to index the media for the new source
source_uuid = str(source.pk)
task = Task.objects.get_task('sync.tasks.index_source_task',
self.assertEqual(task.queue, source_uuid)
# Check the source is now on the source overview page
response = c.get('/sources')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
self.assertIn(source_uuid, response.content.decode())
# Check the source detail page loads
response = c.get(f'/source/{source_uuid}')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
# Update the source key
data = {
2020-12-09 08:32:23 +00:00
'source_type': Source.SOURCE_TYPE_YOUTUBE_CHANNEL,
2020-12-08 14:31:45 +00:00
'key': 'updatedkey', # changed
'name': 'testname',
'directory': 'testdirectory',
2020-12-09 08:32:23 +00:00
'index_schedule': Source.IndexSchedule.EVERY_HOUR,
2020-12-08 14:31:45 +00:00
'delete_old_media': False,
'days_to_keep': 14,
2020-12-09 08:32:23 +00:00
'source_resolution': Source.SOURCE_RESOLUTION_1080P,
'source_vcodec': Source.SOURCE_VCODEC_VP9,
'source_acodec': Source.SOURCE_ACODEC_OPUS,
2020-12-08 14:31:45 +00:00
'prefer_60fps': False,
'prefer_hdr': False,
2020-12-09 08:32:23 +00:00
'fallback': Source.FALLBACK_FAIL
2020-12-08 14:31:45 +00:00
response = c.post(f'/source-update/{source_uuid}', data)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)
url_parts = urlsplit(response.url)
url_path = str(url_parts.path).strip()
if url_path.startswith('/'):
url_path = url_path[1:]
path_parts = url_path.split('/')
self.assertEqual(path_parts[0], 'source')
source_uuid = path_parts[1]
source = Source.objects.get(pk=source_uuid)
self.assertEqual(source.key, 'updatedkey')
# Update the source index schedule which should recreate the scheduled task
data = {
2020-12-09 08:32:23 +00:00
'source_type': Source.SOURCE_TYPE_YOUTUBE_CHANNEL,
2020-12-08 14:31:45 +00:00
'key': 'updatedkey',
'name': 'testname',
'directory': 'testdirectory',
2020-12-09 08:32:23 +00:00
'index_schedule': Source.IndexSchedule.EVERY_2_HOURS, # changed
2020-12-08 14:31:45 +00:00
'delete_old_media': False,
'days_to_keep': 14,
2020-12-09 08:32:23 +00:00
'source_resolution': Source.SOURCE_RESOLUTION_1080P,
'source_vcodec': Source.SOURCE_VCODEC_VP9,
'source_acodec': Source.SOURCE_ACODEC_OPUS,
2020-12-08 14:31:45 +00:00
'prefer_60fps': False,
'prefer_hdr': False,
2020-12-09 08:32:23 +00:00
'fallback': Source.FALLBACK_FAIL
2020-12-08 14:31:45 +00:00
response = c.post(f'/source-update/{source_uuid}', data)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)
url_parts = urlsplit(response.url)
url_path = str(url_parts.path).strip()
if url_path.startswith('/'):
url_path = url_path[1:]
path_parts = url_path.split('/')
self.assertEqual(path_parts[0], 'source')
source_uuid = path_parts[1]
source = Source.objects.get(pk=source_uuid)
# Check a new task has been created by seeing if the pk has changed
new_task = Task.objects.get_task('sync.tasks.index_source_task',
self.assertNotEqual(task.pk, new_task.pk)
# Delete source confirmation page
response = c.get(f'/source-delete/{source_uuid}')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
# Delete source
response = c.post(f'/source-delete/{source_uuid}')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)
url_parts = urlsplit(response.url)
self.assertEqual(url_parts.path, '/sources')
object_gone = False
except Source.DoesNotExist:
object_gone = True
# Check the source is now gone from the source overview page
response = c.get('/sources')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
self.assertNotIn(source_uuid, response.content.decode())
# Check the source details page now 404s
response = c.get(f'/source/{source_uuid}')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
# Check the indexing media task was removed
tasks = Task.objects.get_task('sync.tasks.index_source_task',
def test_media(self):
# Media overview page
c = Client()
response = c.get('/media')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
# Add a test source
2020-12-09 08:32:23 +00:00
test_source = Source.objects.create(
2020-12-08 14:31:45 +00:00
# Add some media
2020-12-09 08:32:23 +00:00
test_media1 = Media.objects.create(
2020-12-08 14:31:45 +00:00
test_media1_pk = str(test_media1.pk)
2020-12-09 08:32:23 +00:00
test_media2 = Media.objects.create(
2020-12-08 14:31:45 +00:00
test_media2_pk = str(test_media2.pk)
2020-12-09 08:32:23 +00:00
test_media3 = Media.objects.create(
2020-12-08 14:31:45 +00:00
test_media3_pk = str(test_media3.pk)
# Check the tasks to fetch the media thumbnails have been scheduled
found_thumbnail_task1 = False
found_thumbnail_task2 = False
found_thumbnail_task3 = False
q = {'queue': str(test_source.pk),
'task_name': 'sync.tasks.download_media_thumbnail'}
for task in Task.objects.filter(**q):
if test_media1_pk in task.task_params:
found_thumbnail_task1 = True
if test_media2_pk in task.task_params:
found_thumbnail_task2 = True
if test_media3_pk in task.task_params:
found_thumbnail_task3 = True
# Check the media is listed on the media overview page
response = c.get('/media')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
html = response.content.decode()
self.assertIn(test_media1_pk, html)
self.assertIn(test_media2_pk, html)
self.assertIn(test_media3_pk, html)
# Check the media detail pages load
response = c.get(f'/media/{test_media1_pk}')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
response = c.get(f'/media/{test_media2_pk}')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
response = c.get(f'/media/{test_media3_pk}')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
# Delete the media
# Check the media detail pages now 404
response = c.get(f'/media/{test_media1_pk}')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
response = c.get(f'/media/{test_media2_pk}')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
response = c.get(f'/media/{test_media3_pk}')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
# Confirm any tasks have been deleted
tasks = Task.objects.filter(**q)
def test_tasks(self):
# Tasks overview page
c = Client()
response = c.get('/tasks')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
# Completed tasks overview page
response = c.get('/tasks-completed')
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
2020-12-09 08:32:23 +00:00
metadata_filepath = settings.BASE_DIR / 'sync' / 'testdata' / 'metadata.json'
metadata = open(metadata_filepath, 'rt').read()
metadata_hdr_filepath = settings.BASE_DIR / 'sync' / 'testdata' / 'metadata_hdr.json'
metadata_hdr = open(metadata_hdr_filepath, 'rt').read()
metadata_60fps_filepath = settings.BASE_DIR / 'sync' / 'testdata' / 'metadata_60fps.json'
metadata_60fps = open(metadata_60fps_filepath, 'rt').read()
metadata_60fps_hdr_filepath = settings.BASE_DIR / 'sync' / 'testdata' / 'metadata_60fps_hdr.json'
metadata_60fps_hdr = open(metadata_60fps_hdr_filepath, 'rt').read()
all_test_metadata = {
'boring': metadata,
'hdr': metadata_hdr,
'60fps': metadata_60fps,
'60fps+hdr': metadata_60fps_hdr,
2020-12-08 14:31:45 +00:00
class FormatMatchingTestCase(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
# Disable general logging for test case
# Add a test source
2020-12-09 08:32:23 +00:00
self.source = Source.objects.create(
2020-12-08 14:31:45 +00:00
# Add some media
2020-12-09 08:32:23 +00:00
self.media = Media.objects.create(
2020-12-08 14:31:45 +00:00
2020-12-09 08:32:23 +00:00
def test_combined_exact_format_matching(self):
self.source.fallback = Source.FALLBACK_FAIL
self.media.metadata = all_test_metadata['boring']
2020-12-08 14:31:45 +00:00
expected_matches = {
# (format, vcodec, acodec, prefer_60fps, prefer_hdr): (match_type, code),
('360p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (False, False),
('360p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (False, False),
('360p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '18'), # Exact match
('360p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (False, False),
('360p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (False, False),
('360p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (False, False),
('360p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (False, False),
('360p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (False, False),
('360p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (False, False),
('360p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (False, False),
('360p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (False, False),
('360p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (False, False),
('360p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (False, False),
('360p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (False, False),
('360p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (False, False),
('480p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (False, False),
('480p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (False, False),
('480p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (False, False),
('480p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (False, False),
('480p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (False, False),
('480p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (False, False),
('480p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (False, False),
('480p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (False, False),
('480p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (False, False),
('480p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (False, False),
('480p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (False, False),
('480p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (False, False),
('480p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (False, False),
('480p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (False, False),
('480p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (False, False),
('480p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (False, False),
('720p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (False, False),
('720p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (False, False),
('720p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (False, False),
('720p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '22'), # Exact match
('720p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (False, False),
('720p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (False, False),
('720p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (False, False),
('720p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (False, False),
('720p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (False, False),
('720p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (False, False),
('720p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (False, False),
('720p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (False, False),
('720p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (False, False),
('720p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (False, False),
('720p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (False, False),
('720p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (False, False),
('1080p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (False, False),
('1080p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (False, False),
('1080p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (False, False),
('1080p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (False, False),
('1080p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (False, False),
('1080p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (False, False),
('1080p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (False, False),
('1080p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (False, False),
('1080p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (False, False),
('1080p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (False, False),
('1080p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (False, False),
('1080p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (False, False),
('1080p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (False, False),
('1080p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (False, False),
('1080p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (False, False),
('1080p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (False, False),
('1440p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (False, False),
('1440p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (False, False),
('1440p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (False, False),
('1440p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (False, False),
('1440p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (False, False),
('1440p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (False, False),
('1440p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (False, False),
('1440p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (False, False),
('1440p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (False, False),
('1440p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (False, False),
('1440p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (False, False),
('1440p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (False, False),
('1440p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (False, False),
('1440p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (False, False),
('1440p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (False, False),
('1440p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (False, False),
('2160p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (False, False),
('2160p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (False, False),
('2160p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (False, False),
('2160p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (False, False),
('2160p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (False, False),
('2160p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (False, False),
('2160p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (False, False),
('2160p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (False, False),
('2160p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (False, False),
('2160p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (False, False),
('2160p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (False, False),
('2160p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (False, False),
('2160p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (False, False),
('2160p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (False, False),
('2160p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (False, False),
('2160p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (False, False),
('4320p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (False, False),
('4320p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (False, False),
('4320p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (False, False),
('4320p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (False, False),
('4320p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (False, False),
('4320p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (False, False),
('4320p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (False, False),
('4320p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (False, False),
('4320p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (False, False),
('4320p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (False, False),
('4320p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (False, False),
('4320p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (False, False),
('4320p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (False, False),
('4320p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (False, False),
('4320p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (False, False),
('4320p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (False, False),
for params, expected in expected_matches.items():
resolution, vcodec, acodec, prefer_60fps, prefer_hdr = params
expeceted_match_type, expected_format_code = expected
self.source.source_resolution = resolution
self.source.source_vcodec = vcodec
self.source.source_acodec = acodec
self.source.prefer_60fps = prefer_60fps
self.source.prefer_hdr = prefer_hdr
match_type, format_code = self.media.get_best_combined_format()
self.assertEqual(format_code, expected_format_code)
2020-12-09 08:32:23 +00:00
self.assertEqual(match_type, expeceted_match_type)
2020-12-08 14:31:45 +00:00
2020-12-09 08:32:23 +00:00
def test_audio_exact_format_matching(self):
self.source.fallback = Source.FALLBACK_FAIL
self.media.metadata = all_test_metadata['boring']
2020-12-08 14:31:45 +00:00
expected_matches = {
# (format, vcodec, acodec, prefer_60fps, prefer_hdr): (match_type, code),
('360p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
('360p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
('360p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
('360p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
('360p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
('360p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
('360p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
('360p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
('360p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
('360p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
('360p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
('360p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
('360p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
('360p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
('360p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
('480p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
('480p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
('480p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
('480p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
('480p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
('480p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
('480p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
('480p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
('480p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
('480p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
('480p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
('480p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
('480p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
('480p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
('480p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
('480p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
('720p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
('720p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
('720p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
('720p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
('720p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
('720p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
('720p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
('720p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
('720p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
('720p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
('720p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
('720p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
('720p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
('720p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
('720p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
('720p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
('1080p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
('1080p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
('1080p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
('1080p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
('1080p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
('1080p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
('1080p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
('1080p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
('1080p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
('1080p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
('1080p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
('1080p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
('1080p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
('1080p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
('1080p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
('1080p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
('1440p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
('1440p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
('1440p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
('1440p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
('1440p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
('1440p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
('1440p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
('1440p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
('1440p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
('1440p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
('1440p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
('1440p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
('1440p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
('1440p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
('1440p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
('1440p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
('2160p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
('2160p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
('2160p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
('2160p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
('2160p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
('2160p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
('2160p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
('2160p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
('2160p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
('2160p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
('2160p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
('2160p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
('2160p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
('2160p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
('2160p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
('2160p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
('4320p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
('4320p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
('4320p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
('4320p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
('4320p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
('4320p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
('4320p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
('4320p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
('4320p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
('4320p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
('4320p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
('4320p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
('4320p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
('4320p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
('4320p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
('4320p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
('audio', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
('audio', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
('audio', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
('audio', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
('audio', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
('audio', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
('audio', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
('audio', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
('audio', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
('audio', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
('audio', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
('audio', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
('audio', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
('audio', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
('audio', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
('audio', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
for params, expected in expected_matches.items():
resolution, vcodec, acodec, prefer_60fps, prefer_hdr = params
expeceted_match_type, expected_format_code = expected
self.source.source_resolution = resolution
self.source.source_vcodec = vcodec
self.source.source_acodec = acodec
self.source.prefer_60fps = prefer_60fps
self.source.prefer_hdr = prefer_hdr
match_type, format_code = self.media.get_best_audio_format()
2020-12-09 08:32:23 +00:00
self.assertEqual(format_code, expected_format_code)
2020-12-08 14:31:45 +00:00
self.assertEqual(match_type, expeceted_match_type)
2020-12-09 08:32:23 +00:00
def test_video_exact_format_matching(self):
self.source.fallback = Source.FALLBACK_FAIL
# Test no 60fps, no HDR metadata
self.media.metadata = all_test_metadata['boring']
expected_matches = {
# (format, vcodec, prefer_60fps, prefer_hdr): (match_type, code),
('360p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, False),
('360p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, False),
('360p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, False),
('360p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '243'), # Exact match
('360p', 'VP9', False, True): (False, False),
('360p', 'VP9', True, False): (False, False),
('360p', 'VP9', True, True): (False, False),
('480p', 'AVC1', False, False): (True, '135'), # Exact match
('480p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, False),
('480p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, False),
('480p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, False),
('480p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '244'), # Exact match
('480p', 'VP9', False, True): (False, False),
('480p', 'VP9', True, False): (False, False),
('480p', 'VP9', True, True): (False, False),
('720p', 'AVC1', False, False): (True, '136'), # Exact match
('720p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, False),
('720p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, False),
('720p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, False),
('720p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '247'), # Exact match
('720p', 'VP9', False, True): (False, False),
('720p', 'VP9', True, False): (False, False),
('720p', 'VP9', True, True): (False, False),
('1080p', 'AVC1', False, False): (True, '137'), # Exact match
('1080p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, False),
('1080p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, False),
('1080p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, False),
('1080p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '248'), # Exact match
('1080p', 'VP9', False, True): (False, False),
('1080p', 'VP9', True, False): (False, False),
('1080p', 'VP9', True, True): (False, False),
# No test formats in 'boring' metadata > 1080p
for params, expected in expected_matches.items():
resolution, vcodec, prefer_60fps, prefer_hdr = params
expeceted_match_type, expected_format_code = expected
self.source.source_resolution = resolution
self.source.source_vcodec = vcodec
self.source.prefer_60fps = prefer_60fps
self.source.prefer_hdr = prefer_hdr
match_type, format_code = self.media.get_best_video_format()
2020-12-08 14:31:45 +00:00
self.assertEqual(format_code, expected_format_code)
2020-12-09 08:32:23 +00:00
self.assertEqual(match_type, expeceted_match_type)
# Test 60fps metadata
self.media.metadata = all_test_metadata['60fps']
expected_matches = {
# (format, vcodec, prefer_60fps, prefer_hdr): (match_type, code),
('360p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, False),
('360p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, False),
('360p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, False),
('360p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '243'), # Exact match
('360p', 'VP9', False, True): (False, False),
('360p', 'VP9', True, False): (False, False),
('360p', 'VP9', True, True): (False, False),
('480p', 'AVC1', False, False): (True, '135'), # Exact match
('480p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, False),
('480p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, False),
('480p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, False),
('480p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '244'), # Exact match
('480p', 'VP9', False, True): (False, False),
('480p', 'VP9', True, False): (False, False),
('480p', 'VP9', True, True): (False, False),
('720p', 'AVC1', False, False): (True, '136'), # Exact match
('720p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, False),
('720p', 'AVC1', True, False): (True, '298'), # Exact match, 60fps
('720p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, False),
('720p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '247'), # Exact match
('720p', 'VP9', False, True): (False, False),
('720p', 'VP9', True, False): (True, '302'), # Exact match, 60fps
('720p', 'VP9', True, True): (False, False),
# No test formats in '60fps' metadata > 720p
for params, expected in expected_matches.items():
resolution, vcodec, prefer_60fps, prefer_hdr = params
expeceted_match_type, expected_format_code = expected
self.source.source_resolution = resolution
self.source.source_vcodec = vcodec
self.source.prefer_60fps = prefer_60fps
self.source.prefer_hdr = prefer_hdr
match_type, format_code = self.media.get_best_video_format()
self.assertEqual(format_code, expected_format_code)
self.assertEqual(match_type, expeceted_match_type)
# Test hdr metadata
self.media.metadata = all_test_metadata['hdr']
expected_matches = {
# (format, vcodec, prefer_60fps, prefer_hdr): (match_type, code),
('360p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, False),
('360p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, False),
('360p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, False),
('360p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '243'), # Exact match
('360p', 'VP9', False, True): (True, '332'), # Exact match, hdr
('360p', 'VP9', True, False): (False, False),
('360p', 'VP9', True, True): (False, False),
('480p', 'AVC1', False, False): (True, '135'), # Exact match
('480p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, False),
('480p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, False),
('480p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, False),
('480p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '244'), # Exact match
('480p', 'VP9', False, True): (True, '333'), # Exact match, hdr
('480p', 'VP9', True, False): (False, False),
('480p', 'VP9', True, True): (False, False),
('720p', 'AVC1', False, False): (True, '136'), # Exact match
('720p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, False),
('720p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, False),
('720p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, False),
('720p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '247'), # Exact match
('720p', 'VP9', False, True): (True, '334'), # Exact match, hdr
('720p', 'VP9', True, False): (False, False),
('720p', 'VP9', True, True): (False, False),
('1440p', 'AVC1', False, False): (False, False),
('1440p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, False),
('1440p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, False),
('1440p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, False),
('1440p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '271'), # Exact match
('1440p', 'VP9', False, True): (True, '336'), # Exact match, hdr
('1440p', 'VP9', True, False): (False, False),
('1440p', 'VP9', True, True): (False, False),
('2160p', 'AVC1', False, False): (False, False),
('2160p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, False),
('2160p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, False),
('2160p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, False),
('2160p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '313'), # Exact match
('2160p', 'VP9', False, True): (True, '337'), # Exact match, hdr
('2160p', 'VP9', True, False): (False, False),
('2160p', 'VP9', True, True): (False, False),
# No test formats in 'hdr' metadata > 4k
for params, expected in expected_matches.items():
resolution, vcodec, prefer_60fps, prefer_hdr = params
expeceted_match_type, expected_format_code = expected
self.source.source_resolution = resolution
self.source.source_vcodec = vcodec
self.source.prefer_60fps = prefer_60fps
self.source.prefer_hdr = prefer_hdr
match_type, format_code = self.media.get_best_video_format()
self.assertEqual(format_code, expected_format_code)
self.assertEqual(match_type, expeceted_match_type)
# Test 60fps+hdr metadata
self.media.metadata = all_test_metadata['60fps+hdr']
expected_matches = {
# (format, vcodec, prefer_60fps, prefer_hdr): (match_type, code),
('360p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, False),
('360p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, False),
('360p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, False),
('360p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '243'), # Exact match
('360p', 'VP9', False, True): (True, '332'), # Exact match, hdr
('360p', 'VP9', True, False): (False, False),
('360p', 'VP9', True, True): (True, '332'), # Exact match, 60fps+hdr
('480p', 'AVC1', False, False): (True, '135'), # Exact match
('480p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, False),
('480p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, False),
('480p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, False),
('480p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '244'), # Exact match
('480p', 'VP9', False, True): (True, '333'), # Exact match, hdr
('480p', 'VP9', True, False): (False, False),
('480p', 'VP9', True, True): (True, '333'), # Exact match, 60fps+hdr
('720p', 'AVC1', False, False): (True, '136'), # Exact match
('720p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, False),
('720p', 'AVC1', True, False): (True, '298'), # Exact match, 60fps
('720p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, False),
('720p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '247'), # Exact match
('720p', 'VP9', False, True): (True, '334'), # Exact match, hdr
('720p', 'VP9', True, False): (True, '302'), # Exact match, 60fps
('720p', 'VP9', True, True): (True, '334'), # Exact match, 60fps+hdr
('1440p', 'AVC1', False, False): (False, False),
('1440p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, False),
('1440p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, False),
('1440p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, False),
('1440p', 'VP9', False, False): (False, False),
('1440p', 'VP9', False, True): (True, '336'), # Exact match, hdr
('1440p', 'VP9', True, False): (True, '308'), # Exact match, 60fps
('1440p', 'VP9', True, True): (True, '336'), # Exact match, 60fps+hdr
('2160p', 'AVC1', False, False): (False, False),
('2160p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, False),
('2160p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, False),
('2160p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, False),
('2160p', 'VP9', False, False): (False, False),
('2160p', 'VP9', False, True): (True, '337'), # Exact match, hdr
('2160p', 'VP9', True, False): (True, '315'), # Exact match, 60fps
('2160p', 'VP9', True, True): (True, '337'), # Exact match, 60fps+hdr
('4320P', 'AVC1', False, False): (False, False),
('4320P', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, False),
('4320P', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, False),
('4320P', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, False),
('4320P', 'VP9', False, False): (False, False),
('4320P', 'VP9', False, True): (False, False),
('4320P', 'VP9', True, False): (True, '272'), # Exact match, 60fps
('4320P', 'VP9', True, True): (False, False),
for params, expected in expected_matches.items():
resolution, vcodec, prefer_60fps, prefer_hdr = params
expeceted_match_type, expected_format_code = expected
self.source.source_resolution = resolution
self.source.source_vcodec = vcodec
self.source.prefer_60fps = prefer_60fps
self.source.prefer_hdr = prefer_hdr
match_type, format_code = self.media.get_best_video_format()
self.assertEqual(format_code, expected_format_code)
self.assertEqual(match_type, expeceted_match_type)
2020-12-08 14:31:45 +00:00
2020-12-09 08:32:23 +00:00
def test_video_next_best_format_matching(self):
self.source.fallback = Source.FALLBACK_NEXT_BEST
# Test no 60fps, no HDR metadata
self.media.metadata = all_test_metadata['boring']
2020-12-08 14:31:45 +00:00
expected_matches = {
2020-12-09 08:32:23 +00:00
# (format, vcodec, prefer_60fps, prefer_hdr): (match_type, code),
('360p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, '134'), # Fallback match, no hdr
('360p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, '134'), # Fallback match, no 60fps
('360p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, '134'), # Fallback match, no 60fps+hdr
('360p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '243'), # Exact match
('360p', 'VP9', False, True): (False, '243'), # Fallback match, no hdr
('360p', 'VP9', True, False): (False, '243'), # Fallback match, no 60fps
('360p', 'VP9', True, True): (False, '243'), # Fallback match, no 60fps+hdr
('480p', 'AVC1', False, False): (True, '135'), # Exact match
('480p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, '135'), # Fallback match, no hdr
('480p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, '135'), # Fallback match, no 60fps
('480p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, '135'), # Fallback match, no 60fps+hdr
('480p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '244'), # Exact match
('480p', 'VP9', False, True): (False, '244'), # Fallback match, no hdr
('480p', 'VP9', True, False): (False, '244'), # Fallback match, no 60fps
('480p', 'VP9', True, True): (False, '244'), # Fallback match, no 60fps+hdr
('720p', 'AVC1', False, False): (True, '136'), # Exact match
('720p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, '136'), # Fallback match, no hdr
('720p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, '136'), # Fallback match, no 60fps
('720p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, '136'), # Fallback match, no 60fps+hdr
('720p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '247'), # Exact match
('720p', 'VP9', False, True): (False, '247'), # Fallback match, no hdr
('720p', 'VP9', True, False): (False, '247'), # Fallback match, no 60fps
('720p', 'VP9', True, True): (False, '247'), # Fallback match, no 60fps+hdr
('1080p', 'AVC1', False, False): (True, '137'), # Exact match
('1080p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, '137'), # Fallback match, no hdr
('1080p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, '137'), # Fallback match, no 60fps
('1080p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, '137'), # Fallback match, no 60fps+hdr
('1080p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '248'), # Exact match
('1080p', 'VP9', False, True): (False, '248'), # Fallback match, no hdr
('1080p', 'VP9', True, False): (False, '248'), # Fallback match, no 60fps
('1080p', 'VP9', True, True): (False, '248'), # Fallback match, no 60fps+hdr
# No test formats in 'boring' metadata > 1080p
2020-12-08 14:31:45 +00:00
for params, expected in expected_matches.items():
2020-12-09 08:32:23 +00:00
resolution, vcodec, prefer_60fps, prefer_hdr = params
2020-12-08 14:31:45 +00:00
expeceted_match_type, expected_format_code = expected
self.source.source_resolution = resolution
self.source.source_vcodec = vcodec
self.source.prefer_60fps = prefer_60fps
self.source.prefer_hdr = prefer_hdr
match_type, format_code = self.media.get_best_video_format()
2020-12-09 08:32:23 +00:00
self.assertEqual(format_code, expected_format_code)
self.assertEqual(match_type, expeceted_match_type)
# Test 60fps metadata
self.media.metadata = all_test_metadata['60fps']
expected_matches = {
# (format, vcodec, prefer_60fps, prefer_hdr): (match_type, code),
('360p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, '134'), # Fallback match, no hdr
('360p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, '134'), # Fallback match, no 60fps
('360p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, '134'), # Fallback match, no 60fps+hdr
('360p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '243'), # Exact match
('360p', 'VP9', False, True): (False, '243'), # Fallback match, no hdr
('360p', 'VP9', True, False): (False, '243'), # Fallback match, no 60fps
('360p', 'VP9', True, True): (False, '243'), # Fallback match, no 60fps+hdr
('480p', 'AVC1', False, False): (True, '135'), # Exact match
('480p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, '135'), # Fallback match, no hdr
('480p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, '135'), # Fallback match, no 60fps
('480p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, '135'), # Fallback match, no 60fps+hdr
('480p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '244'), # Exact match
('480p', 'VP9', False, True): (False, '244'), # Fallback match, no hdr
('480p', 'VP9', True, False): (False, '244'), # Fallback match, no 60fps
('480p', 'VP9', True, True): (False, '244'), # Fallback match, no 60fps+hdr
('720p', 'AVC1', False, False): (True, '136'), # Exact match
('720p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, '136'), # Fallback match, no hdr
('720p', 'AVC1', True, False): (True, '298'), # Exact match, 60fps
('720p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, '298'), # Fallback, 60fps, no hdr
('720p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '247'), # Exact match
('720p', 'VP9', False, True): (False, '247'), # Fallback match, no hdr
('720p', 'VP9', True, False): (True, '302'), # Exact match, 60fps
('720p', 'VP9', True, True): (False, '302'), # Fallback, 60fps, no hdr
# No test formats in '60fps' metadata > 720p
for params, expected in expected_matches.items():
resolution, vcodec, prefer_60fps, prefer_hdr = params
expeceted_match_type, expected_format_code = expected
self.source.source_resolution = resolution
self.source.source_vcodec = vcodec
self.source.prefer_60fps = prefer_60fps
self.source.prefer_hdr = prefer_hdr
match_type, format_code = self.media.get_best_video_format()
self.assertEqual(format_code, expected_format_code)
self.assertEqual(match_type, expeceted_match_type)
# Test hdr metadata
self.media.metadata = all_test_metadata['hdr']
expected_matches = {
# (format, vcodec, prefer_60fps, prefer_hdr): (match_type, code),
('360p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, '332'), # Fallback match, hdr, switched to VP9
('360p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, '134'), # Fallback match, no 60fps
('360p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, '332'), # Fallback match, 60fps+hdr, switched to VP9
('360p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '243'), # Exact match
('360p', 'VP9', False, True): (True, '332'), # Exact match, hdr
('360p', 'VP9', True, False): (False, '243'), # Fallback match, no 60fps
('360p', 'VP9', True, True): (False, '332'), # Fallback match, hdr, no 60fps
('480p', 'AVC1', False, False): (True, '135'), # Exact match
('480p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, '333'), # Fallback match, hdr, switched to VP9
('480p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, '135'), # Fallback match, no 60fps
('480p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, '333'), # Fallback match, hdr, switched to VP9
('480p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '244'), # Exact match
('480p', 'VP9', False, True): (True, '333'), # Exact match, hdr
('480p', 'VP9', True, False): (False, '244'), # Fallback match, no 60fps
('480p', 'VP9', True, True): (False, '333'), # Fallback match, hdr, no 60fps
('720p', 'AVC1', False, False): (True, '136'), # Exact match
('720p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, '334'), # Fallback match, hdr, switched to VP9
('720p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, '136'), # Fallback match, no 60fps
('720p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, '334'), # Fallback match, hdr, switched to VP9
('720p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '247'), # Exact match
('720p', 'VP9', False, True): (True, '334'), # Exact match, hdr
('720p', 'VP9', True, False): (False, '247'), # Fallback match, no 60fps
('720p', 'VP9', True, True): (False, '334'), # Fallback match, no 60fps
('1440p', 'AVC1', False, False): (False, '271'), # Fallback match, switched to VP9
('1440p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, '336'), # Fallback match, hdr, switched to VP9
('1440p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, '336'), # Fallback match, hdr, switched to VP9, no 60fps
('1440p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, '336'), # Fallback match, hdr, switched to VP9, no 60fps
('1440p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '271'), # Exact match
('1440p', 'VP9', False, True): (True, '336'), # Exact match, hdr
('1440p', 'VP9', True, False): (False, '271'), # Fallback match, no 60fps
('1440p', 'VP9', True, True): (False, '336'), # Fallback match, no 60fps
('2160p', 'AVC1', False, False): (False, '313'), # Fallback match, switched to VP9
('2160p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, '337'), # Fallback match, hdr, switched to VP9
('2160p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, '337'), # Fallback match, hdr, switched to VP9, no 60fps
('2160p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, '337'), # Fallback match, hdr, switched to VP9, no 60fps
('2160p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '313'), # Exact match
('2160p', 'VP9', False, True): (True, '337'), # Exact match, hdr
('2160p', 'VP9', True, False): (False, '313'), # Fallback match, no 60fps
('2160p', 'VP9', True, True): (False, '337'), # Fallback match, no 60fps
# No test formats in 'hdr' metadata > 4k
for params, expected in expected_matches.items():
resolution, vcodec, prefer_60fps, prefer_hdr = params
expeceted_match_type, expected_format_code = expected
self.source.source_resolution = resolution
self.source.source_vcodec = vcodec
self.source.prefer_60fps = prefer_60fps
self.source.prefer_hdr = prefer_hdr
match_type, format_code = self.media.get_best_video_format()
self.assertEqual(format_code, expected_format_code)
self.assertEqual(match_type, expeceted_match_type)
# Test 60fps+hdr metadata
self.media.metadata = all_test_metadata['60fps+hdr']
expected_matches = {
# (format, vcodec, prefer_60fps, prefer_hdr): (match_type, code),
('360p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, '134'), # Fallback match, no hdr
('360p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, '134'), # Fallback match, no 60fps
('360p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, '332'), # Fallback match, 60fps+hdr, switched to VP9
('360p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '243'), # Exact match
('360p', 'VP9', False, True): (True, '332'), # Exact match, hdr
('360p', 'VP9', True, False): (False, '332'), # Fallback match, 60fps, extra hdr
('360p', 'VP9', True, True): (True, '332'), # Exact match, 60fps+hdr
('480p', 'AVC1', False, False): (True, '135'), # Exact match
('480p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, '135'), # Fallback match, no hdr
('480p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, '135'), # Fallback match, no 60fps
('480p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, '333'), # Fallback match, 60fps+hdr, switched to VP9
('480p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '244'), # Exact match
('480p', 'VP9', False, True): (True, '333'), # Exact match, hdr
('480p', 'VP9', True, False): (False, '333'), # Fallback match, 60fps, extra hdr
('480p', 'VP9', True, True): (True, '333'), # Exact match, 60fps+hdr
('720p', 'AVC1', False, False): (True, '136'), # Exact match
('720p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, '136'), # Fallback match, no hdr
('720p', 'AVC1', True, False): (True, '298'), # Exact match, 60fps
('720p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, '334'), # Fallback match, 60fps+hdr, switched to VP9
('720p', 'VP9', False, False): (True, '247'), # Exact match
('720p', 'VP9', False, True): (True, '334'), # Exact match, hdr
('720p', 'VP9', True, False): (True, '302'), # Exact match, 60fps
('720p', 'VP9', True, True): (True, '334'), # Exact match, 60fps+hdr
('1440p', 'AVC1', False, False): (False, '308'), # Fallback match, 60fps, switched to VP9 (no 1440p AVC1)
('1440p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, '336'), # Fallback match, 60fps+hdr, switched to VP9 (no 1440p AVC1)
('1440p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, '308'), # Fallback match, 60fps, switched to VP9 (no 1440p AVC1)
('1440p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, '336'), # Fallback match, 60fps+hdr, switched to VP9 (no 1440p AVC1)
('1440p', 'VP9', False, False): (False, '308'), # Fallback, 60fps
('1440p', 'VP9', False, True): (True, '336'), # Exact match, hdr
('1440p', 'VP9', True, False): (True, '308'), # Exact match, 60fps
('1440p', 'VP9', True, True): (True, '336'), # Exact match, 60fps+hdr
('2160p', 'AVC1', False, False): (False, '315'), # Fallback, 60fps, switched to VP9 (no 2160p AVC1)
('2160p', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, '337'), # Fallback match, 60fps+hdr, switched to VP9 (no 2160p AVC1)
('2160p', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, '315'), # Fallback, switched to VP9 (no 2160p AVC1)
('2160p', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, '337'), # Fallback match, 60fps+hdr, switched to VP9 (no 2160p AVC1)
('2160p', 'VP9', False, False): (False, '315'), # Fallback, 60fps
('2160p', 'VP9', False, True): (True, '337'), # Exact match, hdr
('2160p', 'VP9', True, False): (True, '315'), # Exact match, 60fps
('2160p', 'VP9', True, True): (True, '337'), # Exact match, 60fps+hdr
('4320P', 'AVC1', False, False): (False, '272'), # Fallback, 60fps, switched to VP9 (no 4320P AVC1, no other 8k streams)
('4320P', 'AVC1', False, True): (False, '272'), # Fallback, 60fps, switched to VP9 (no 4320P AVC1, no other 8k streams)
('4320P', 'AVC1', True, False): (False, '272'), # Fallback, 60fps, switched to VP9 (no 4320P AVC1, no other 8k streams)
('4320P', 'AVC1', True, True): (False, '272'), # Fallback, 60fps, switched to VP9 (no 4320P AVC1, no other 8k streams)
('4320P', 'VP9', False, False): (False, '272'), # Fallback, 60fps (no other 8k streams)
('4320P', 'VP9', False, True): (False, '272'), # Fallback, 60fps (no other 8k streams)
('4320P', 'VP9', True, False): (True, '272'), # Exact match, 60fps
('4320P', 'VP9', True, True): (False, '272'), # Fallback, 60fps (no other 8k streams)
for params, expected in expected_matches.items():
resolution, vcodec, prefer_60fps, prefer_hdr = params
expeceted_match_type, expected_format_code = expected
self.source.source_resolution = resolution
self.source.source_vcodec = vcodec
self.source.prefer_60fps = prefer_60fps
self.source.prefer_hdr = prefer_hdr
match_type, format_code = self.media.get_best_video_format()
self.assertEqual(format_code, expected_format_code)
self.assertEqual(match_type, expeceted_match_type)