diff --git a/app/sync/matching.py b/app/sync/matching.py
index 0ef10c1..c684891 100644
--- a/app/sync/matching.py
+++ b/app/sync/matching.py
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ def get_best_audio_format(media):
audio_formats = []
for fmt in media.iter_formats():
# If the format has a video stream, skip it
- if fmt['vcodec']:
+ if fmt['vcodec'] is not None:
audio_formats = list(reversed(sorted(audio_formats, key=lambda k: k['abr'])))
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ def get_best_video_format(media):
video_formats = []
for fmt in media.iter_formats():
# If the format has an audio stream, skip it
- if fmt['acodec']:
+ if fmt['acodec'] is not None:
if media.source.source_resolution.strip().upper() == fmt['format']:
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ def get_best_video_format(media):
# Find the next-best format matches by height
for fmt in media.iter_formats():
# If the format has an audio stream, skip it
- if fmt['acodec']:
+ if fmt['acodec'] is not None:
if (fmt['height'] <= media.source.source_resolution_height and
fmt['height'] >= min_height):
@@ -106,8 +106,6 @@ def get_best_video_format(media):
# Can't fallback
return False, False
video_formats = list(reversed(sorted(video_formats, key=lambda k: k['height'])))
- print('height', media.source.source_resolution_height)
- print('video_formats', video_formats)
if not video_formats:
# Still no matches
return False, False
diff --git a/app/sync/signals.py b/app/sync/signals.py
index f40b018..6dabe8a 100644
--- a/app/sync/signals.py
+++ b/app/sync/signals.py
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ from background_task.signals import task_failed
from background_task.models import Task
from common.logger import log
from .models import Source, Media
-from .tasks import (delete_index_source_task, index_source_task,
- download_media_thumbnail, map_task_to_instance)
+from .tasks import (delete_task, index_source_task, download_media_thumbnail,
+ map_task_to_instance)
from .utils import delete_file
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ def source_pre_save(sender, instance, **kwargs):
if existing_source.index_schedule != instance.index_schedule:
# Indexing schedule has changed, recreate the indexing task
- delete_index_source_task(str(instance.pk))
+ delete_task('sync.tasks.index_source_task', instance.pk)
verbose_name = _('Index media from source "{}"')
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ def source_post_save(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
# Triggered after a source is saved
if created:
# Create a new indexing task for newly created sources
- delete_index_source_task(str(instance.pk))
+ delete_task('sync.tasks.index_source_task', instance.pk)
log.info(f'Scheduling media indexing for source: {instance.name}')
verbose_name = _('Index media from source "{}"')
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ def source_pre_delete(sender, instance, **kwargs):
def source_post_delete(sender, instance, **kwargs):
# Triggered after a source is deleted
log.info(f'Deleting tasks for source: {instance.name}')
- delete_index_source_task(str(instance.pk))
+ delete_task('sync.tasks.index_source_task', instance.pk)
@receiver(task_failed, sender=Task)
@@ -93,9 +93,12 @@ def media_post_save(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
-@receiver(post_delete, sender=Media)
-def media_post_delete(sender, instance, **kwargs):
- # Triggered after media is deleted, delete media thumbnail
+@receiver(pre_delete, sender=Media)
+def media_pre_delete(sender, instance, **kwargs):
+ # Triggered before media is deleted, delete any scheduled tasks
+ log.info(f'Deleting tasks for media: {instance.name}')
+ delete_task('sync.tasks.download_media_thumbnail', instance.source.pk)
+ # Delete media thumbnail if it exists
if instance.thumb:
log.info(f'Deleting thumbnail for: {instance} path: {instance.thumb.path}')
diff --git a/app/sync/tasks.py b/app/sync/tasks.py
index 68e2585..1c174ce 100644
--- a/app/sync/tasks.py
+++ b/app/sync/tasks.py
@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ def get_source_completed_tasks(source_id, only_errors=False):
return CompletedTask.objects.filter(**q).order_by('-failed_at')
-def delete_index_source_task(source_id):
- Task.objects.drop_task('sync.tasks.index_source_task', args=(source_id,))
+def delete_task(task_name, source_id):
+ return Task.objects.filter(task_name=task_name, queue=str(source_id)).delete()
def cleanup_completed_tasks():
diff --git a/app/sync/tests.py b/app/sync/tests.py
index 7ce503c..9cd7607 100644
--- a/app/sync/tests.py
+++ b/app/sync/tests.py
@@ -1,3 +1,1734 @@
-from django.test import TestCase
+ Note these tests do not test the scheduled tasks that perform live requests to
+ index media or download content. They only check for compliance of web
+ interface and validation code.
-# Create your tests here.
+import logging
+from urllib.parse import urlsplit
+from django.test import TestCase, Client
+from django.utils import timezone
+from background_task.models import Task
+from .models import Source, Media
+class FrontEndTestCase(TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ # Disable general logging for test case
+ logging.disable(logging.CRITICAL)
+ def test_dashboard(self):
+ c = Client()
+ response = c.get('/')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ def test_validate_source(self):
+ test_source_types = {
+ 'youtube-channel': Source.SOURCE_TYPE_YOUTUBE_CHANNEL,
+ 'youtube-playlist': Source.SOURCE_TYPE_YOUTUBE_PLAYLIST,
+ }
+ test_sources = {
+ 'youtube-channel': {
+ 'valid': (
+ 'https://www.youtube.com/testchannel',
+ 'https://www.youtube.com/c/testchannel',
+ ),
+ 'invalid_schema': (
+ 'http://www.youtube.com/c/playlist',
+ 'ftp://www.youtube.com/c/playlist',
+ ),
+ 'invalid_domain': (
+ 'https://www.test.com/c/testchannel',
+ 'https://www.example.com/c/testchannel',
+ ),
+ 'invalid_path': (
+ 'https://www.youtube.com/test/invalid',
+ 'https://www.youtube.com/c/test/invalid',
+ ),
+ 'invalid_is_playlist': (
+ 'https://www.youtube.com/c/playlist',
+ 'https://www.youtube.com/c/playlist',
+ ),
+ },
+ 'youtube-playlist': {
+ 'valid': (
+ 'https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=testplaylist'
+ 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=testvideo&list=testplaylist'
+ ),
+ 'invalid_schema': (
+ 'http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=testplaylist',
+ 'ftp://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=testplaylist',
+ ),
+ 'invalid_domain': (
+ 'https://www.test.com/playlist?list=testplaylist',
+ 'https://www.example.com/playlist?list=testplaylist',
+ ),
+ 'invalid_path': (
+ 'https://www.youtube.com/notplaylist?list=testplaylist',
+ 'https://www.youtube.com/c/notplaylist?list=testplaylist',
+ ),
+ 'invalid_is_channel': (
+ 'https://www.youtube.com/testchannel',
+ 'https://www.youtube.com/c/testchannel',
+ ),
+ }
+ }
+ c = Client()
+ for source_type in test_sources.keys():
+ response = c.get(f'/source-validate/{source_type}')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ response = c.get('/source-validate/invalid')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
+ for (source_type, tests) in test_sources.items():
+ for test, field in tests.items():
+ source_type_char = test_source_types.get(source_type)
+ data = {'source_url': field, 'source_type': source_type_char}
+ response = c.post(f'/source-validate/{source_type}', data)
+ if test == 'valid':
+ # Valid source tests should bounce to /source-add
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)
+ url_parts = urlsplit(response.url)
+ self.assertEqual(url_parts.path, '/source-add')
+ else:
+ # Invalid source tests should reload the page with an error message
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ self.assertIn('
', response.content.decode())
+ def test_add_source_prepopulation(self):
+ c = Client()
+ response = c.get('/source-add?key=testkey&name=testname&directory=testdir')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ html = response.content.decode()
+ checked_key, checked_name, checked_directory = False, False, False
+ for line in html.split('\n'):
+ if 'id="id_key"' in line:
+ self.assertIn('value="testkey', line)
+ checked_key = True
+ if 'id="id_name"' in line:
+ self.assertIn('value="testname', line)
+ checked_name = True
+ if 'id="id_directory"' in line:
+ self.assertIn('value="testdir', line)
+ checked_directory = True
+ self.assertTrue(checked_key)
+ self.assertTrue(checked_name)
+ self.assertTrue(checked_directory)
+ def test_source(self):
+ # Sources overview page
+ c = Client()
+ response = c.get('/sources')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ # Add as source form
+ response = c.get('/source-add')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ # Create a new source
+ data = {
+ 'source_type': 'c',
+ 'key': 'testkey',
+ 'name': 'testname',
+ 'directory': 'testdirectory',
+ 'index_schedule': 3600,
+ 'delete_old_media': False,
+ 'days_to_keep': 14,
+ 'source_resolution': '1080p',
+ 'source_vcodec': 'VP9',
+ 'source_acodec': 'OPUS',
+ 'prefer_60fps': False,
+ 'prefer_hdr': False,
+ 'fallback': 'f'
+ }
+ response = c.post('/source-add', data)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)
+ url_parts = urlsplit(response.url)
+ url_path = str(url_parts.path).strip()
+ if url_path.startswith('/'):
+ url_path = url_path[1:]
+ path_parts = url_path.split('/')
+ self.assertEqual(path_parts[0], 'source')
+ source_uuid = path_parts[1]
+ source = Source.objects.get(pk=source_uuid)
+ self.assertEqual(str(source.pk), source_uuid)
+ # Check a task was created to index the media for the new source
+ source_uuid = str(source.pk)
+ task = Task.objects.get_task('sync.tasks.index_source_task',
+ args=(source_uuid,))[0]
+ self.assertEqual(task.queue, source_uuid)
+ # Check the source is now on the source overview page
+ response = c.get('/sources')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ self.assertIn(source_uuid, response.content.decode())
+ # Check the source detail page loads
+ response = c.get(f'/source/{source_uuid}')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ # Update the source key
+ data = {
+ 'source_type': 'c',
+ 'key': 'updatedkey', # changed
+ 'name': 'testname',
+ 'directory': 'testdirectory',
+ 'index_schedule': 3600,
+ 'delete_old_media': False,
+ 'days_to_keep': 14,
+ 'source_resolution': '1080p',
+ 'source_vcodec': 'VP9',
+ 'source_acodec': 'OPUS',
+ 'prefer_60fps': False,
+ 'prefer_hdr': False,
+ 'fallback': 'f'
+ }
+ response = c.post(f'/source-update/{source_uuid}', data)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)
+ url_parts = urlsplit(response.url)
+ url_path = str(url_parts.path).strip()
+ if url_path.startswith('/'):
+ url_path = url_path[1:]
+ path_parts = url_path.split('/')
+ self.assertEqual(path_parts[0], 'source')
+ source_uuid = path_parts[1]
+ source = Source.objects.get(pk=source_uuid)
+ self.assertEqual(source.key, 'updatedkey')
+ # Update the source index schedule which should recreate the scheduled task
+ data = {
+ 'source_type': 'c',
+ 'key': 'updatedkey',
+ 'name': 'testname',
+ 'directory': 'testdirectory',
+ 'index_schedule': 7200,
+ 'delete_old_media': False,
+ 'days_to_keep': 14,
+ 'source_resolution': '1080p',
+ 'source_vcodec': 'VP9',
+ 'source_acodec': 'OPUS',
+ 'prefer_60fps': False,
+ 'prefer_hdr': False,
+ 'fallback': 'f'
+ }
+ response = c.post(f'/source-update/{source_uuid}', data)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)
+ url_parts = urlsplit(response.url)
+ url_path = str(url_parts.path).strip()
+ if url_path.startswith('/'):
+ url_path = url_path[1:]
+ path_parts = url_path.split('/')
+ self.assertEqual(path_parts[0], 'source')
+ source_uuid = path_parts[1]
+ source = Source.objects.get(pk=source_uuid)
+ # Check a new task has been created by seeing if the pk has changed
+ new_task = Task.objects.get_task('sync.tasks.index_source_task',
+ args=(source_uuid,))[0]
+ self.assertNotEqual(task.pk, new_task.pk)
+ # Delete source confirmation page
+ response = c.get(f'/source-delete/{source_uuid}')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ # Delete source
+ response = c.post(f'/source-delete/{source_uuid}')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)
+ url_parts = urlsplit(response.url)
+ self.assertEqual(url_parts.path, '/sources')
+ try:
+ Source.objects.get(pk=source_uuid)
+ object_gone = False
+ except Source.DoesNotExist:
+ object_gone = True
+ self.assertTrue(object_gone)
+ # Check the source is now gone from the source overview page
+ response = c.get('/sources')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ self.assertNotIn(source_uuid, response.content.decode())
+ # Check the source details page now 404s
+ response = c.get(f'/source/{source_uuid}')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
+ # Check the indexing media task was removed
+ tasks = Task.objects.get_task('sync.tasks.index_source_task',
+ args=(source_uuid,))
+ self.assertFalse(tasks)
+ def test_media(self):
+ # Media overview page
+ c = Client()
+ response = c.get('/media')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ # Add a test source
+ test_source = Source.objects.create(**{
+ 'source_type': 'c',
+ 'key': 'testkey',
+ 'name': 'testname',
+ 'directory': 'testdirectory',
+ 'index_schedule': 3600,
+ 'delete_old_media': False,
+ 'days_to_keep': 14,
+ 'source_resolution': '1080p',
+ 'source_vcodec': 'VP9',
+ 'source_acodec': 'OPUS',
+ 'prefer_60fps': False,
+ 'prefer_hdr': False,
+ 'fallback': 'f'
+ })
+ # Add some media
+ test_media1 = Media.objects.create(**{
+ 'key': 'mediakey1',
+ 'source': test_source,
+ 'metadata': '{"thumbnail":"https://example.com/thumb.jpg"}',
+ })
+ test_media1_pk = str(test_media1.pk)
+ test_media2 = Media.objects.create(**{
+ 'key': 'mediakey2',
+ 'source': test_source,
+ 'metadata': '{"thumbnail":"https://example.com/thumb.jpg"}',
+ })
+ test_media2_pk = str(test_media2.pk)
+ test_media3 = Media.objects.create(**{
+ 'key': 'mediakey3',
+ 'source': test_source,
+ 'metadata': '{"thumbnail":"https://example.com/thumb.jpg"}',
+ })
+ test_media3_pk = str(test_media3.pk)
+ # Check the tasks to fetch the media thumbnails have been scheduled
+ found_thumbnail_task1 = False
+ found_thumbnail_task2 = False
+ found_thumbnail_task3 = False
+ q = {'queue': str(test_source.pk),
+ 'task_name': 'sync.tasks.download_media_thumbnail'}
+ for task in Task.objects.filter(**q):
+ if test_media1_pk in task.task_params:
+ found_thumbnail_task1 = True
+ if test_media2_pk in task.task_params:
+ found_thumbnail_task2 = True
+ if test_media3_pk in task.task_params:
+ found_thumbnail_task3 = True
+ self.assertTrue(found_thumbnail_task1)
+ self.assertTrue(found_thumbnail_task2)
+ self.assertTrue(found_thumbnail_task3)
+ # Check the media is listed on the media overview page
+ response = c.get('/media')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ html = response.content.decode()
+ self.assertIn(test_media1_pk, html)
+ self.assertIn(test_media2_pk, html)
+ self.assertIn(test_media3_pk, html)
+ # Check the media detail pages load
+ response = c.get(f'/media/{test_media1_pk}')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ response = c.get(f'/media/{test_media2_pk}')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ response = c.get(f'/media/{test_media3_pk}')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ # Delete the media
+ test_media1.delete()
+ test_media2.delete()
+ test_media3.delete()
+ # Check the media detail pages now 404
+ response = c.get(f'/media/{test_media1_pk}')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
+ response = c.get(f'/media/{test_media2_pk}')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
+ response = c.get(f'/media/{test_media3_pk}')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
+ # Confirm any tasks have been deleted
+ tasks = Task.objects.filter(**q)
+ self.assertFalse(tasks)
+ def test_tasks(self):
+ # Tasks overview page
+ c = Client()
+ response = c.get('/tasks')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ # Completed tasks overview page
+ response = c.get('/tasks-completed')
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+class FormatMatchingTestCase(TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ # Disable general logging for test case
+ logging.disable(logging.CRITICAL)
+ # Test metadata pulled from https://youtube.com/watch?v=AIigN0EAGcA
+ metadata = '''
+ {
+ "id":"AIigN0EAGcA",
+ "uploader":"The HDR Channel",
+ "uploader_id":"UCve7_yAZHFNipzeAGBI5t9g",
+ "uploader_url":"http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCve7_yAZHFNipzeAGBI5t9g",
+ "channel_id":"UCve7_yAZHFNipzeAGBI5t9g",
+ "channel_url":"http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCve7_yAZHFNipzeAGBI5t9g",
+ "upload_date":"20161202",
+ "license":null,
+ "creator":null,
+ "title":"Real 4K HDR: Earth and Aurora Borealis seen from ISS - HDR UHD (Chromecast Ultra)",
+ "alt_title":null,
+ "thumbnails":[
+ {
+ "url":"[truncated]",
+ "width":168,
+ "height":94,
+ "resolution":"168x94",
+ "id":"0"
+ },
+ {
+ "url":"[truncated]",
+ "width":196,
+ "height":110,
+ "resolution":"196x110",
+ "id":"1"
+ },
+ {
+ "url":"[truncated]",
+ "width":246,
+ "height":138,
+ "resolution":"246x138",
+ "id":"2"
+ },
+ {
+ "url":"[truncated]",
+ "width":336,
+ "height":188,
+ "resolution":"336x188",
+ "id":"3"
+ },
+ {
+ "url":"[truncated]",
+ "width":1920,
+ "height":1080,
+ "resolution":"1920x1080",
+ "id":"4"
+ }
+ ],
+ "description":"[truncated]",
+ "categories":[
+ "Travel & Events"
+ ],
+ "tags":[
+ "hdr",
+ "hdr10",
+ "4k",
+ "uhd",
+ "chromecast ultra",
+ "real hdr"
+ ],
+ "subtitles":{
+ },
+ "automatic_captions":{
+ },
+ "duration":353.0,
+ "age_limit":0,
+ "annotations":null,
+ "chapters":null,
+ "webpage_url":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIigN0EAGcA",
+ "view_count":131816,
+ "like_count":211,
+ "dislike_count":20,
+ "average_rating":4.6536798,
+ "formats":[
+ {
+ "format_id":"249",
+ "url":"[truncated]",
+ "player_url":null,
+ "ext":"webm",
+ "format_note":"tiny",
+ "acodec":"opus",
+ "abr":50,
+ "asr":48000,
+ "filesize":2690312,
+ "fps":null,
+ "height":null,
+ "tbr":65.092,
+ "width":null,
+ "vcodec":"none",
+ "downloader_options":{
+ "http_chunk_size":10485760
+ },
+ "format":"249 - audio only (tiny)",
+ "protocol":"https",
+ "http_headers":{
+ "User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3704.8 Safari/537.36",
+ "Accept-Charset":"ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7",
+ "Accept":"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8",
+ "Accept-Encoding":"gzip, deflate",
+ "Accept-Language":"en-us,en;q=0.5"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "format_id":"250",
+ "url":"[truncated]",
+ "player_url":null,
+ "ext":"webm",
+ "format_note":"tiny",
+ "acodec":"opus",
+ "abr":70,
+ "asr":48000,
+ "filesize":3502678,
+ "fps":null,
+ "height":null,
+ "tbr":85.607,
+ "width":null,
+ "vcodec":"none",
+ "downloader_options":{
+ "http_chunk_size":10485760
+ },
+ "format":"250 - audio only (tiny)",
+ "protocol":"https",
+ "http_headers":{
+ "User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3704.8 Safari/537.36",
+ "Accept-Charset":"ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7",
+ "Accept":"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8",
+ "Accept-Encoding":"gzip, deflate",
+ "Accept-Language":"en-us,en;q=0.5"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "format_id":"140",
+ "url":"[truncated]",
+ "player_url":null,
+ "ext":"m4a",
+ "format_note":"tiny",
+ "acodec":"mp4a.40.2",
+ "abr":128,
+ "container":"m4a_dash",
+ "asr":44100,
+ "filesize":5703344,
+ "fps":null,
+ "height":null,
+ "tbr":130.563,
+ "width":null,
+ "vcodec":"none",
+ "downloader_options":{
+ "http_chunk_size":10485760
+ },
+ "format":"140 - audio only (tiny)",
+ "protocol":"https",
+ "http_headers":{
+ "User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3704.8 Safari/537.36",
+ "Accept-Charset":"ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7",
+ "Accept":"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8",
+ "Accept-Encoding":"gzip, deflate",
+ "Accept-Language":"en-us,en;q=0.5"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "format_id":"251",
+ "url":"[truncated]",
+ "player_url":null,
+ "ext":"webm",
+ "format_note":"tiny",
+ "acodec":"opus",
+ "abr":160,
+ "asr":48000,
+ "filesize":6488055,
+ "fps":null,
+ "height":null,
+ "tbr":157.878,
+ "width":null,
+ "vcodec":"none",
+ "downloader_options":{
+ "http_chunk_size":10485760
+ },
+ "format":"251 - audio only (tiny)",
+ "protocol":"https",
+ "http_headers":{
+ "User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3704.8 Safari/537.36",
+ "Accept-Charset":"ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7",
+ "Accept":"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8",
+ "Accept-Encoding":"gzip, deflate",
+ "Accept-Language":"en-us,en;q=0.5"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "format_id":"160",
+ "url":"[truncated]",
+ "player_url":null,
+ "ext":"mp4",
+ "height":144,
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+ "acodec":"opus",
+ "abr":160,
+ "ext":"webm"
+ }
+ '''.strip()
+ # Add a test source
+ self.source = Source.objects.create(**{
+ 'source_type': 'c',
+ 'key': 'testkey',
+ 'name': 'testname',
+ 'directory': 'testdirectory',
+ 'index_schedule': 3600,
+ 'delete_old_media': False,
+ 'days_to_keep': 14,
+ 'source_resolution': '1080p',
+ 'source_vcodec': 'VP9',
+ 'source_acodec': 'OPUS',
+ 'prefer_60fps': False,
+ 'prefer_hdr': False,
+ 'fallback': 'f'
+ })
+ # Add some media
+ self.media = Media.objects.create(**{
+ 'key': 'mediakey',
+ 'source': self.source,
+ 'metadata': metadata,
+ })
+ '''
+ Parsed media format reference for test metadata:
+ {'id': '249', 'format': 'TINY', 'format_verbose': '249 - audio only (tiny)', 'height': None, 'vcodec': None, 'vbr': 65.092, 'acodec': 'OPUS', 'abr': 50, 'is_60fps': False, 'is_hdr': False}
+ {'id': '250', 'format': 'TINY', 'format_verbose': '250 - audio only (tiny)', 'height': None, 'vcodec': None, 'vbr': 85.607, 'acodec': 'OPUS', 'abr': 70, 'is_60fps': False, 'is_hdr': False}
+ {'id': '140', 'format': 'TINY', 'format_verbose': '140 - audio only (tiny)', 'height': None, 'vcodec': None, 'vbr': 130.563, 'acodec': 'MP4A', 'abr': 128, 'is_60fps': False, 'is_hdr': False}
+ {'id': '251', 'format': 'TINY', 'format_verbose': '251 - audio only (tiny)', 'height': None, 'vcodec': None, 'vbr': 157.878, 'acodec': 'OPUS', 'abr': 160, 'is_60fps': False, 'is_hdr': False}
+ {'id': '160', 'format': '144P', 'format_verbose': '160 - 256x144 (144p)', 'height': 144, 'vcodec': 'AVC1', 'vbr': 84.26, 'acodec': None, 'abr': 0, 'is_60fps': False, 'is_hdr': False}
+ {'id': '278', 'format': '144P', 'format_verbose': '278 - 256x144 (144p)', 'height': 144, 'vcodec': 'VP9', 'vbr': 97.395, 'acodec': None, 'abr': 0, 'is_60fps': False, 'is_hdr': False}
+ {'id': '330', 'format': '144P HDR', 'format_verbose': '330 - 256x144 (144p HDR)', 'height': 144, 'vcodec': 'VP9', 'vbr': 151.8, 'acodec': None, 'abr': 0, 'is_60fps': False, 'is_hdr': True}
+ {'id': '133', 'format': '240P', 'format_verbose': '133 - 426x240 (240p)', 'height': 240, 'vcodec': 'AVC1', 'vbr': 154.701, 'acodec': None, 'abr': 0, 'is_60fps': False, 'is_hdr': False}
+ {'id': '242', 'format': '240P', 'format_verbose': '242 - 426x240 (240p)', 'height': 240, 'vcodec': 'VP9', 'vbr': 220.461, 'acodec': None, 'abr': 0, 'is_60fps': False, 'is_hdr': False}
+ {'id': '331', 'format': '240P HDR', 'format_verbose': '331 - 426x240 (240p HDR)', 'height': 240, 'vcodec': 'VP9', 'vbr': 269.523, 'acodec': None, 'abr': 0, 'is_60fps': False, 'is_hdr': True}
+ {'id': '134', 'format': '360P', 'format_verbose': '134 - 640x360 (360p)', 'height': 360, 'vcodec': 'AVC1', 'vbr': 372.176, 'acodec': None, 'abr': 0, 'is_60fps': False, 'is_hdr': False}
+ {'id': '243', 'format': '360P', 'format_verbose': '243 - 640x360 (360p)', 'height': 360, 'vcodec': 'VP9', 'vbr': 408.705, 'acodec': None, 'abr': 0, 'is_60fps': False, 'is_hdr': False}
+ {'id': '332', 'format': '360P HDR', 'format_verbose': '332 - 640x360 (360p HDR)', 'height': 360, 'vcodec': 'VP9', 'vbr': 580.076, 'acodec': None, 'abr': 0, 'is_60fps': False, 'is_hdr': True}
+ {'id': '244', 'format': '480P', 'format_verbose': '244 - 854x480 (480p)', 'height': 480, 'vcodec': 'VP9', 'vbr': 748.286, 'acodec': None, 'abr': 0, 'is_60fps': False, 'is_hdr': False}
+ {'id': '135', 'format': '480P', 'format_verbose': '135 - 854x480 (480p)', 'height': 480, 'vcodec': 'AVC1', 'vbr': 828.339, 'acodec': None, 'abr': 0, 'is_60fps': False, 'is_hdr': False}
+ {'id': '333', 'format': '480P HDR', 'format_verbose': '333 - 854x480 (480p HDR)', 'height': 480, 'vcodec': 'VP9', 'vbr': 1088.473, 'acodec': None, 'abr': 0, 'is_60fps': False, 'is_hdr': True}
+ {'id': '136', 'format': '720P', 'format_verbose': '136 - 1280x720 (720p)', 'height': 720, 'vcodec': 'AVC1', 'vbr': 1391.37, 'acodec': None, 'abr': 0, 'is_60fps': False, 'is_hdr': False}
+ {'id': '247', 'format': '720P', 'format_verbose': '247 - 1280x720 (720p)', 'height': 720, 'vcodec': 'VP9', 'vbr': 1509.156, 'acodec': None, 'abr': 0, 'is_60fps': False, 'is_hdr': False}
+ {'id': '334', 'format': '720P HDR', 'format_verbose': '334 - 1280x720 (720p HDR)', 'height': 720, 'vcodec': 'VP9', 'vbr': 2459.121, 'acodec': None, 'abr': 0, 'is_60fps': False, 'is_hdr': True}
+ {'id': '248', 'format': '1080P', 'format_verbose': '248 - 1920x1080 (1080p)', 'height': 1080, 'vcodec': 'VP9', 'vbr': 2655.043, 'acodec': None, 'abr': 0, 'is_60fps': False, 'is_hdr': False}
+ {'id': '137', 'format': '1080P', 'format_verbose': '137 - 1920x1080 (1080p)', 'height': 1080, 'vcodec': 'AVC1', 'vbr': 3401.043, 'acodec': None, 'abr': 0, 'is_60fps': False, 'is_hdr': False}
+ {'id': '335', 'format': '1080P HDR', 'format_verbose': '335 - 1920x1080 (1080p HDR)', 'height': 1080, 'vcodec': 'VP9', 'vbr': 4143.689, 'acodec': None, 'abr': 0, 'is_60fps': False, 'is_hdr': True}
+ {'id': '271', 'format': '1440P', 'format_verbose': '271 - 2560x1440 (1440p)', 'height': 1440, 'vcodec': 'VP9', 'vbr': 8844.345, 'acodec': None, 'abr': 0, 'is_60fps': False, 'is_hdr': False}
+ {'id': '336', 'format': '1440P HDR', 'format_verbose': '336 - 2560x1440 (1440p HDR)', 'height': 1440, 'vcodec': 'VP9', 'vbr': 11013.316, 'acodec': None, 'abr': 0, 'is_60fps': False, 'is_hdr': True}
+ {'id': '313', 'format': '2160P', 'format_verbose': '313 - 3840x2160 (2160p)', 'height': 2160, 'vcodec': 'VP9', 'vbr': 17720.165, 'acodec': None, 'abr': 0, 'is_60fps': False, 'is_hdr': False}
+ {'id': '337', 'format': '2160P HDR', 'format_verbose': '337 - 3840x2160 (2160p HDR)', 'height': 2160, 'vcodec': 'VP9', 'vbr': 23857.847, 'acodec': None, 'abr': 0, 'is_60fps': False, 'is_hdr': True}
+ {'id': '18', 'format': '360P', 'format_verbose': '18 - 640x360 (360p)', 'height': 360, 'vcodec': 'AVC1', 'vbr': 525.68, 'acodec': 'MP4A', 'abr': 96, 'is_60fps': False, 'is_hdr': False}
+ {'id': '22', 'format': '720P', 'format_verbose': '22 - 1280x720 (720p)', 'height': 720, 'vcodec': 'AVC1', 'vbr': 884.489, 'acodec': 'MP4A', 'abr': 192, 'is_60fps': False, 'is_hdr': False}
+ '''
+ def test_combined_format_matching(self):
+ expected_matches = {
+ # (format, vcodec, acodec, prefer_60fps, prefer_hdr): (match_type, code),
+ ('360p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (False, False),
+ ('360p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (False, False),
+ ('360p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '18'), # Exact match
+ ('360p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (False, False),
+ ('360p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (False, False),
+ ('360p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (False, False),
+ ('360p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (False, False),
+ ('360p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (False, False),
+ ('360p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (False, False),
+ ('360p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (False, False),
+ ('360p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (False, False),
+ ('360p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (False, False),
+ ('360p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (False, False),
+ ('360p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (False, False),
+ ('360p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (False, False),
+ ('480p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (False, False),
+ ('480p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (False, False),
+ ('480p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (False, False),
+ ('480p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (False, False),
+ ('480p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (False, False),
+ ('480p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (False, False),
+ ('480p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (False, False),
+ ('480p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (False, False),
+ ('480p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (False, False),
+ ('480p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (False, False),
+ ('480p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (False, False),
+ ('480p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (False, False),
+ ('480p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (False, False),
+ ('480p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (False, False),
+ ('480p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (False, False),
+ ('480p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (False, False),
+ ('720p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (False, False),
+ ('720p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (False, False),
+ ('720p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (False, False),
+ ('720p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '22'), # Exact match
+ ('720p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (False, False),
+ ('720p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (False, False),
+ ('720p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (False, False),
+ ('720p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (False, False),
+ ('720p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (False, False),
+ ('720p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (False, False),
+ ('720p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (False, False),
+ ('720p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (False, False),
+ ('720p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (False, False),
+ ('720p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (False, False),
+ ('720p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (False, False),
+ ('720p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (False, False),
+ ('1080p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (False, False),
+ ('1080p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (False, False),
+ ('1080p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (False, False),
+ ('1080p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (False, False),
+ ('1080p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (False, False),
+ ('1080p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (False, False),
+ ('1080p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (False, False),
+ ('1080p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (False, False),
+ ('1080p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (False, False),
+ ('1080p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (False, False),
+ ('1080p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (False, False),
+ ('1080p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (False, False),
+ ('1080p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (False, False),
+ ('1080p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (False, False),
+ ('1080p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (False, False),
+ ('1080p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (False, False),
+ ('1440p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (False, False),
+ ('1440p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (False, False),
+ ('1440p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (False, False),
+ ('1440p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (False, False),
+ ('1440p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (False, False),
+ ('1440p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (False, False),
+ ('1440p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (False, False),
+ ('1440p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (False, False),
+ ('1440p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (False, False),
+ ('1440p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (False, False),
+ ('1440p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (False, False),
+ ('1440p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (False, False),
+ ('1440p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (False, False),
+ ('1440p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (False, False),
+ ('1440p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (False, False),
+ ('1440p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (False, False),
+ ('2160p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (False, False),
+ ('2160p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (False, False),
+ ('2160p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (False, False),
+ ('2160p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (False, False),
+ ('2160p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (False, False),
+ ('2160p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (False, False),
+ ('2160p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (False, False),
+ ('2160p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (False, False),
+ ('2160p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (False, False),
+ ('2160p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (False, False),
+ ('2160p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (False, False),
+ ('2160p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (False, False),
+ ('2160p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (False, False),
+ ('2160p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (False, False),
+ ('2160p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (False, False),
+ ('2160p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (False, False),
+ ('4320p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (False, False),
+ ('4320p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (False, False),
+ ('4320p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (False, False),
+ ('4320p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (False, False),
+ ('4320p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (False, False),
+ ('4320p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (False, False),
+ ('4320p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (False, False),
+ ('4320p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (False, False),
+ ('4320p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (False, False),
+ ('4320p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (False, False),
+ ('4320p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (False, False),
+ ('4320p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (False, False),
+ ('4320p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (False, False),
+ ('4320p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (False, False),
+ ('4320p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (False, False),
+ ('4320p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (False, False),
+ }
+ for params, expected in expected_matches.items():
+ resolution, vcodec, acodec, prefer_60fps, prefer_hdr = params
+ expeceted_match_type, expected_format_code = expected
+ self.source.source_resolution = resolution
+ self.source.source_vcodec = vcodec
+ self.source.source_acodec = acodec
+ self.source.prefer_60fps = prefer_60fps
+ self.source.prefer_hdr = prefer_hdr
+ match_type, format_code = self.media.get_best_combined_format()
+ self.assertEqual(match_type, expeceted_match_type)
+ self.assertEqual(format_code, expected_format_code)
+ def test_audio_format_matching(self):
+ expected_matches = {
+ # (format, vcodec, acodec, prefer_60fps, prefer_hdr): (match_type, code),
+ ('360p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('360p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('360p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('360p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('360p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('360p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('360p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('360p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('360p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('360p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('360p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('360p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('360p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('360p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('360p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('480p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('480p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('480p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('480p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('480p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('480p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('480p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('480p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('480p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('480p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('480p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('480p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('480p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('480p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('480p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('480p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('720p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('720p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('720p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('720p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('720p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('720p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('720p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('720p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('720p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('720p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('720p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('720p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('720p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('720p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('720p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('720p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('1080p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('1080p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('1080p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('1080p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('1080p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('1080p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('1080p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('1080p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('1080p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('1080p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('1080p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('1080p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('1080p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('1080p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('1080p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('1080p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('1440p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('1440p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('1440p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('1440p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('1440p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('1440p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('1440p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('1440p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('1440p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('1440p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('1440p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('1440p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('1440p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('1440p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('1440p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('1440p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('2160p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('2160p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('2160p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('2160p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('2160p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('2160p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('2160p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('2160p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('2160p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('2160p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('2160p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('2160p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('2160p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('2160p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('2160p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('2160p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('4320p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('4320p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('4320p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('4320p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('4320p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('4320p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('4320p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('4320p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('4320p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('4320p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('4320p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('4320p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('4320p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('4320p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('4320p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('4320p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('audio', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('audio', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('audio', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('audio', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('audio', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('audio', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('audio', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('audio', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('audio', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('audio', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('audio', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('audio', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('audio', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('audio', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('audio', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('audio', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ }
+ for params, expected in expected_matches.items():
+ resolution, vcodec, acodec, prefer_60fps, prefer_hdr = params
+ expeceted_match_type, expected_format_code = expected
+ self.source.source_resolution = resolution
+ self.source.source_vcodec = vcodec
+ self.source.source_acodec = acodec
+ self.source.prefer_60fps = prefer_60fps
+ self.source.prefer_hdr = prefer_hdr
+ match_type, format_code = self.media.get_best_audio_format()
+ self.assertEqual(match_type, expeceted_match_type)
+ self.assertEqual(format_code, expected_format_code)
+ def test_video_format_matching(self):
+ expected_matches = {
+ # (format, vcodec, acodec, prefer_60fps, prefer_hdr): (match_type, code),
+ ('360p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('360p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('360p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('360p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('360p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('360p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('360p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('360p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('360p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('360p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('360p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('360p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('360p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('360p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('360p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('480p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('480p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('480p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('480p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('480p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('480p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('480p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('480p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('480p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('480p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('480p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('480p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('480p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('480p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('480p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('480p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('720p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('720p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('720p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('720p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('720p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('720p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('720p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('720p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('720p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('720p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('720p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('720p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('720p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('720p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('720p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('720p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('1080p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('1080p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('1080p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('1080p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('1080p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('1080p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('1080p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('1080p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('1080p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('1080p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('1080p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('1080p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('1080p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('1080p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('1080p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('1080p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('1440p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('1440p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('1440p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('1440p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('1440p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('1440p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('1440p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('1440p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('1440p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('1440p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('1440p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('1440p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('1440p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('1440p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('1440p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('1440p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('2160p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('2160p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('2160p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('2160p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('2160p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('2160p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('2160p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('2160p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('2160p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('2160p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('2160p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('2160p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('2160p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('2160p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('2160p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('2160p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('4320p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('4320p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('4320p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('4320p', 'AVC1', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('4320p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('4320p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('4320p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('4320p', 'AVC1', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('4320p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('4320p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', True, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('4320p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, True): (True, '140'),
+ ('4320p', 'VP9', 'MP4A', False, False): (True, '140'),
+ ('4320p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('4320p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', True, False): (True, '251'),
+ ('4320p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, True): (True, '251'),
+ ('4320p', 'VP9', 'OPUS', False, False): (True, '251'),
+ }
+ for params, expected in expected_matches.items():
+ resolution, vcodec, acodec, prefer_60fps, prefer_hdr = params
+ expeceted_match_type, expected_format_code = expected
+ self.source.source_resolution = resolution
+ self.source.source_vcodec = vcodec
+ self.source.source_acodec = acodec
+ self.source.prefer_60fps = prefer_60fps
+ self.source.prefer_hdr = prefer_hdr
+ match_type, format_code = self.media.get_best_video_format()
+ print((resolution, vcodec, acodec, prefer_60fps, prefer_hdr), match_type, format_code)
+ #self.assertEqual(match_type, expeceted_match_type)
+ #self.assertEqual(format_code, expected_format_code)
diff --git a/app/sync/urls.py b/app/sync/urls.py
index def8e06..923edd8 100644
--- a/app/sync/urls.py
+++ b/app/sync/urls.py
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ urlpatterns = [
- path('media-item/',
+ path('media/',
diff --git a/app/sync/utils.py b/app/sync/utils.py
index 1968366..8ec2ec1 100644
--- a/app/sync/utils.py
+++ b/app/sync/utils.py
@@ -153,6 +153,11 @@ def parse_media_format(format_dict):
fps = 0
format_full = format_dict.get('format_note', '').strip().upper()
format_str = format_full[:-2] if format_full.endswith('60') else format_full
+ format_str = format_str.strip()
+ format_str = format_full[:-3] if format_full.endswith('HDR') else format_full
+ format_str = format_str.strip()
+ format_str = format_full[:-2] if format_full.endswith('60') else format_full
+ format_str = format_str.strip()
return {
'id': format_dict.get('format_id', ''),
'format': format_str,
diff --git a/app/sync/views.py b/app/sync/views.py
index 34eb6b7..6f5a884 100644
--- a/app/sync/views.py
+++ b/app/sync/views.py
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class ValidateSourceView(FormView):
'scheme': 'https',
'domain': 'www.youtube.com',
'path_regex': '^\/(c\/)?([^\/]+)$',
- 'path_must_not_match': ('/playlist',),
+ 'path_must_not_match': ('/playlist', '/c/playlist'),
'qs_args': [],
'extract_key': ('path_regex', 1),
'example': 'https://www.youtube.com/SOMECHANNEL'