#!/command/with-contenv bash # Change runtime user UID and GID PUID="${PUID:-911}" PUID="${PUID:-911}" groupmod -o -g "$PGID" app usermod -o -u "$PUID" app # Reset permissions chown -R app:app /run/app chmod -R 0700 /run/app chown -R app:app /config chmod -R 0755 /config chown -R root:app /app chmod -R 0750 /app chown -R app:app /app/common/static chmod -R 0750 /app/common/static chown -R app:app /app/static chmod -R 0750 /app/static find /app -type f ! -iname healthcheck.py -exec chmod 640 {} \; chmod 0755 /app/healthcheck.py # Optionally reset the download dir permissions TUBESYNC_RESET_DOWNLOAD_DIR="${TUBESYNC_RESET_DOWNLOAD_DIR:-True}" if [ "$TUBESYNC_RESET_DOWNLOAD_DIR" == "True" ] then echo "TUBESYNC_RESET_DOWNLOAD_DIR=True, Resetting /downloads directory permissions" chown -R app:app /downloads chmod -R 0755 /downloads fi # Run migrations exec s6-setuidgid app \ /usr/bin/python3 /app/manage.py migrate