''' Start, stop and manage scheduled tasks. These are generally triggered by Django signals (see signals.py). ''' import json import math import uuid from io import BytesIO from hashlib import sha1 from datetime import timedelta from PIL import Image from django.conf import settings from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile from django.utils import timezone from django.db.utils import IntegrityError from background_task import background from background_task.models import Task, CompletedTask from common.logger import log from common.errors import NoMediaException from .models import Source, Media from .utils import get_remote_image, resize_image_to_height def get_hash(task_name, pk): ''' Create a background_task compatible hash for a Task or CompletedTask. ''' task_params = json.dumps(((str(pk),), {}), sort_keys=True) return sha1(f'{task_name}{task_params}'.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() def map_task_to_instance(task): ''' Reverse-maps a scheduled backgrond task to an instance. Requires the task name to be a known task function and the first argument to be a UUID. This is used because UUID's are incompatible with background_task's "creator" feature. ''' TASK_MAP = { 'sync.tasks.index_source_task': Source, 'sync.tasks.download_media_thumbnail': Media, } MODEL_URL_MAP = { Source: 'sync:source', Media: 'sync:media-item', } # If the task has a UUID set in its .queue it's probably a link to a Source if task.queue: try: queue_uuid = uuid.UUID(task.queue) try: url = MODEL_URL_MAP.get(Source, None) return Source.objects.get(pk=task.queue), url except Source.DoesNotExist: pass except (TypeError, ValueError, AttributeError): pass # Unpack task_func, task_args_str = task.task_name, task.task_params model = TASK_MAP.get(task_func, None) if not model: return None, None url = MODEL_URL_MAP.get(model, None) if not url: return None, None try: task_args = json.loads(task_args_str) except (TypeError, ValueError, AttributeError): return None, None if len(task_args) != 2: return None, None args, kwargs = task_args if len(args) == 0: return None, None instance_uuid_str = args[0] try: instance_uuid = uuid.UUID(instance_uuid_str) except (TypeError, ValueError, AttributeError): return None, None try: instance = model.objects.get(pk=instance_uuid) return instance, url except model.DoesNotExist: return None, None def get_error_message(task): ''' Extract an error message from a failed task. This is the last line of the last_error field with the method name removed. ''' if not task.has_error(): return '' stacktrace_lines = task.last_error.strip().split('\n') if len(stacktrace_lines) == 0: return '' error_message = stacktrace_lines[-1].strip() if ':' not in error_message: return '' return error_message.split(':', 1)[1].strip() def get_source_completed_tasks(source_id, only_errors=False): ''' Returns a queryset of CompletedTask objects for a source by source ID. ''' q = {'queue': source_id} if only_errors: q['failed_at__isnull'] = False return CompletedTask.objects.filter(**q).order_by('-failed_at') def delete_task(task_name, source_id): return Task.objects.filter(task_name=task_name, queue=str(source_id)).delete() def cleanup_completed_tasks(): days_to_keep = getattr(settings, 'COMPLETED_TASKS_DAYS_TO_KEEP', 30) delta = timezone.now() - timedelta(days=days_to_keep) log.info(f'Deleting completed tasks older than {days_to_keep} days ' f'(run_at before {delta})') CompletedTask.objects.filter(run_at__lt=delta).delete() @background(schedule=0) def index_source_task(source_id): ''' Indexes media available from a Source object. ''' try: source = Source.objects.get(pk=source_id) except Source.DoesNotExist: # Task triggered but the Source has been deleted, delete the task delete_index_source_task(source_id) return # Reset any errors source.has_failed = False source.save() # Index the source videos = source.index_media() if not videos: raise NoMediaException(f'Source "{source}" (ID: {source_id}) returned no ' f'media to index, is the source key valid? Check the ' f'source configuration is correct and that the source ' f'is reachable') # Got some media, update the last crawl timestamp source.last_crawl = timezone.now() source.save() log.info(f'Found {len(videos)} media items for source: {source}') for video in videos: # Create or update each video as a Media object key = video.get(source.key_field, None) if not key: # Video has no unique key (ID), it can't be indexed continue try: media = Media.objects.get(key=key) except Media.DoesNotExist: media = Media(key=key) media.source = source media.metadata = json.dumps(video) upload_date = media.upload_date if upload_date: media.published = timezone.make_aware(upload_date) try: media.save() log.info(f'Indexed media: {source} / {media}') except IntegrityError as e: log.error(f'Index media failed: {source} / {media} with "{e}"') # Tack on a cleanup of old completed tasks cleanup_completed_tasks() @background(schedule=0) def download_media_thumbnail(media_id, url): ''' Downloads an image from a URL and save it as a local thumbnail attached to a Media object. ''' try: media = Media.objects.get(pk=media_id) except Media.DoesNotExist: # Task triggered but the media no longer exists, ignore task return width = getattr(settings, 'MEDIA_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH', 430) height = getattr(settings, 'MEDIA_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT', 240) i = get_remote_image(url) log.info(f'Resizing {i.width}x{i.height} thumbnail to ' f'{width}x{height}: {url}') i = resize_image_to_height(i, width, height) image_file = BytesIO() i.save(image_file, 'JPEG', quality=80, optimize=True, progressive=True) image_file.seek(0) media.thumb.save( 'thumb', SimpleUploadedFile( 'thumb', image_file.read(), 'image/jpeg', ), save=True ) log.info(f'Saved thumbnail for: {media} from: {url}') return True